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Coping with Stress in Uncertain Times

Whether you have a mental health diagnosis or not, life is hard. Climate change continues to contribute to extreme weather like the wildfires in Los Angeles and the hurricanes on the east coast, wars continue around the world, threats of new diseases continue to make news headlines, and politics continue to separate us. That’s not […]

MN Elder Justice Resources

The Minnesota Elder Justice Center is a beacon of hope and support for older adults, their families, and communities across Minnesota. Dedicated to preventing abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older individuals, MN Elder Justice offers a variety of resources and services designed to educate, empower, and protect. Key Resources and Services: Advocacy and SupportMN Elder […]

Specific Phobias

Many of us can relate to feeling scared in certain situations such as getting a shot or vaccine at the doctor’s office, coming across a creepy crawler in our home, experiencing severe weather, and/or being really high up. While many individuals are able to overcome these fears and move on from them without disruption to […]

Thoughtful Gift Giving

As the holidays approach, the stress to give the perfect gift tends to escalate. It is very difficult to guess what someone else may like or even need. So, let’s focus on gifts that can be used or enjoyed for the experience. Gifts like this are a win for the giver, the recipient and the […]

4 Great Places to Shop Sustainably and Locally this Fall!

The seasonal transition into the colder months is speeding right around the corner leaving us saying “Wow, summer really flew by this year huh?” Busting out the rakes and leaf bags may be a pain lingering all too familiarly in the back of our minds, with the thought of snow shoveling causing head and backaches […]

Bins Bins Bins!

BINS! I have found myself using bins at a lot of client’s homes recently. There are so many reasons to containerize things in bins – it helps us know where to find things, keeps items of a certain type together, streamlines visual appearances, and collects clutter that we want to keep accessible. I am picky […]

Hoarding Disorder

Almost all of us can relate to the enjoyment that comes with buying something new, getting a good deal, and keeping something sentimental, but when does our relationship with our possessions become problematic? Hoarding Disorder is characterized by a persistent difficulty with discarding or parting with possessions regardless of their value, a perceived need to […]

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social connection is a basic human need, just like eating food, drinking water, and getting sleep. Our brains are biologically wired for social connection and an abundance of research shows that isolation and loneliness are detrimental to our mental well-being and physical health. Yet for some people, socializing induces fear, anxiety, worry, and sometimes even […]

Recycling Textiles

I love learning things at the Minnesota State Fair! This year I learned about recycling textiles from a display in the Eco Building. It read that clean, worn-out clothes with missing buttons, holes or small stains CAN be donated to Goodwill and the Salvation Army. These items are recycled into rags, wiping cloths, insulation, carpet […]

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Stress is a normal part of life and stress at a manageable level can even be helpful in mobilizing a response to solve a current problem. Yet some people experience excessive amounts of stress that exceeds the individuals’ range of resilience, overwhelms the nervous system, and becomes disordered. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, is characterized […]

Simple Organizing to Ease Transitions

My only child is moving across the country for his first year of college. My husband and I are excited for him but have some trepidation about what we will do with our time. No matter how much we spoil our dogs, we won’t go to their baseball games, they won’t call us when they […]